TMM122 The Truth Series Part 1 - How To Discover Yours

communication mojo maker monday mojo podcast quantum leadership truth Jul 12, 2020

TMM122 The Truth Series - Part 1 - How To Discover Yours

In this months series of 3, I talk about the power of truth without confrontation but from a place of clarity and calm.

Why it is game changing when we can learn to discover what our core values and truths are and then feel safe and empowered to stand by those with a sense of peace knowing it's not about convincing or 'selling' and idea to anyone - but those who naturally want to see you shine and be authentic will want you to be your genuine self.

How being in your truth empowers others to be in theirs Why being in truth is better than people pleasing and being "good" Because doing things to be accepted erodes at your self worth and is not a place of love but not not feeling enough.

The 3 pillars to work out what really matters to you and how to sit with that before you worry about having to share it with the "world" and your ecosystem.

Defining Your Truth

Leadership for the world we are in now means there is no hiding. No masks. No excuses on other people or patterns. 

It will demand the best of you more than ever before and in doing so reward you so completely you will wonder why you didn't fully embrace this change and growth earlier. 

You'll be reading this because you are a pioneer in some way or another so you're here for a reason. So let me just reiterate the drivers seat position. Change is not a choice - it's a chance to really evolve. Lean in. The more you resist it the greater the energy you will loose, the more unrest you will feel and the less your life will flow.

In this series of 3, I talk about the power of truth without confrontation, but from a place of clarity and calm. 

Why it is game changing when: 

a) we can learn to discover what our core values and truths are 

b) then feel safe and empowered to stand by those with a sense of peace knowing it's not about convincing or 'selling' and idea to anyone

c) and those who naturally want to see you shine and be authentic, will want you to be your genuine self

+ How being in your truth empowers others to be in theirs

+ Why being in truth is better than people pleasing and being "good"

+ Because doing things to be accepted erodes at your self worth and is not a place of love but not not feeling enough. 

Phew! That was a bunch of truth bombs just there. 

There is No New Normal - We are Defining Our Own First

Please remember the new world landscape requires us to be conscious of our own actions and decision making frameworks - it is challenging the status quo and former belief systems that built the very foundations which are being torn down one after another at the moment. 

From old family patterns, corporations exposed, leaders spotlighted and our systems and policies being turned upside down.

There is no New Normal as yet. Before we even worry about that we are being urged to take stock, deconstruct old patterns and beliefs and write a new script as leaders for our own lives. 

From truth comes freedom, it takes less energy, is more congruent and provides those around you with choice.

From truth comes a sense of peace and acceptance - without even needing to find that from others

From truth comes true power - the kind that ensures reciprocal energy, co-creation and relationships built to last.

In today's blog and video I share what I call my TRAFFIC LIGHT™ system from #ADULTING THE RALLY OF LIFE and my coaching models. I have been using this with clients from boardroom decisions to living room decisions. The GREEN/AMBER and RED zones. 

The 3 pillars to work out what really matters to you, what you're not sure about and recognise who, what and where is no longer working for you. Most importantly the patience to sit with that before you worry about having to share it with the "world" -  your ecosystem.

You are your greatest asset and this life is not a dress rehearsal, so please remember you matter. Each of our individual qualities, strengths and visions for the world are what makes it so magical. 

If you can spend hours and hours on a work project or something for other people, then you must be prepared to carve out time in the week to work on yourself as a project. 15 minutes a day is a great place to start. Commit to you.

Take some time to discover what really is important to you.

Once you've done that on Part 2 next week - I'll take you through the safe way to start to communicate that out to others without fear, shame, blame or guilt. 

As always, trust your heart (NOUS = FLOW) it knows the way. Stop letting your past hold you back from designing your future.  Leadership is an inside job just as much...

You are your greatest asset and this life is not a dress rehearsal so please remember you matter and each of our individual qualities, strengths and visions for the world are what makes it so magical.

Take some time to discover what really is important to you -on the next part I'll take you through the safe way to start to communicate that out to others without fear, shame, blame or guilt.

Hope you enjoy today's episode and blog post.

I write these as a full post so you don't have to go and click off else where but you've got it all right in front of you. Print (recycle), read and repeat as needed.

I've also included my interview with psychologist Pamela Pannifex on the 3 styles of communication #121 on The Mojo Maker Show. A must watch/listen as so relevant to building the best relationships you can imagine. Starting with yourself. 

The LIVE session for today is now on YOUTUBE - full video is above. Thank you so much for subscribing, liking and joining me this week. 

Reach out, hit reply, come follow me on Instagram and ask me any questions.

Yours in Mojo always, 


#truth #conscious #communication

YOUTUBE at MIDDAY AEST Mondays, 8pm LA** Subscribe, hit the notification bell and it will give you the update when I'm going live. 

Did you miss last weeks Mojos LIVE ".. have a little refresh here.

Please join me on my Monday Mojo blog - sign up on my website to get the full blog about this and other tips, tools and videos and special offers.

Much Mojo to you, Nikki For more info on how to reach out see above šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ˜€


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