How to stop sabotaging your own success

ceo of your life goals mindset sustainable success May 25, 2022

How to get out of your own way and live your limitless potential



Whenever you read this. Welcome.  I wrote this for my Monday Mojo© emails and feel it is a super important message - as they all are. However - to me this is the foundation of all that we must learn for sustainable success.

There are 3 things you need to do if you want to get out of your own way and actually step into ALL of your potential - physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually (however you want to interpret that word - I would call that the law of energy).

  1. Learn the difference between ego (subconscious programmed self) and your true SELF (with a capital S).
  2. Acknowledge what GPS is trying to run your thoughts and decisions - (ego on autopilot) or (SELF on purpose)
  3. Catch ALL the stories you tell yourself and STOP them - right at the gate. 


- I am now so used to the 'discomfort' sensation that comes with personal growth. I embrace it.

  • For that means I am leaning in and shedding another layer of limiting beliefs, self doubt and un-serving stories that I was not even aware of until a certain point. 
  • Sometimes I have to get out of my own way several times a day.

If I am tired, have been rushing too much or listening to others - it gets even worse. It is truly about radical self discipline. A positive mindset that is real - is a full time job.

There are 3 things you need to do if you want to get out of your own way and actually step into ALL of your potential - physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually (however you want to interpret that word - I would call that the law of energy).

  1. Learn the difference between ego (subconscious programmed self) and your true SELF (with a capital S).
  2. Acknowledge what GPS is trying to run your thoughts and decisions - (ego on autopilot) or (SELF on purpose)
  3. Catch ALL the stories you tell yourself and STOP them - right at the gate. 

How to get out of your own way and live your limitless potential  - Step One - What are you telling yourself about your situation? 

I am sorry to say this - but NO ONE else is in charge of how you feel, show up, live, make decisions, create, consume, manufacture,  discuss or pontificate.

If you are using the excuses of "too busy", "not enough money", "nothing ever goes right", "I have no one to support me" ,"I don't have any time for myself, "coaching never worked", "that is all too hard to keep up with", "I'm just not ready", "no one understands my situation", "it's ok for her/him/them"... etc etc - then you are getting in your own way. Plain. Simple. Hard fact.

Step Two - Take one form of action only at a time: 

THE GOOD NEWS  - all you need to do is take one step in the right direction and commit to building a solid foundation for your ultimate limitless self - brick by brick, corner by corner, pit stop by pit stop. It's as simple as training the new mental muscle package that SELF leadership can provide - courage, curiosity, conviction, vitality, energy, trust, truth, fun and radical honesty with self. LIBERATING I guarantee you. But it takes practice to build that up.

  • It's like going to the gym. We need to stop you flexing the left hand side of your body so you can start to build strength and bring yourself back into balance with the right.

I have a free LIVE masterclass on how to recognise ego from self. Why this topic?  Because unless we get to know ourselves in the deepest, truest way possible, all the courses/training and coaching in the world won’t help you set yourself free and up for sustainable success.  It might work for a bit but it won’t last. 

So I want to help you: 

  • Recognise the road blocks
  •  Accept and understand and feel ok with those parts of yourself that are past programming - you are not broken!
  •  Use the SWIPE LEFT tool to immediately stop a limiting belief from getting any traction
  •  Learn how to smile at that little moment when you could go left but you recognise it and then get out of your own way and into the driver’s seat  - as often as necessary 

I am highly motivated to do this, with as many people I can. WHY? 

I strongly believe that our world and communities deserve self leading individuals who are connected to all their super skills, free to co-create, collaborate and build based on the individual strengths and gifts we each are uniquely provided with to make this puzzle of humanity rock solid. 

To have that radical self sufficient, wonderfully interdependent world means we each have to take radical responsibility for the stories we are telling ourselves. At whatever level. 

It never goes away - we just get better at it.

The athletes, CEO’s, founders and game changers I work with - who on the outside you think look like they have it all figured out  - there is always more awesomeness to uncover and more freedom to feel and be empowered with. EVERY new level we go to requires an ‘unveiling of sorts’. 

There is no quick fix. If you think like that - then you are missing the point entirely. Embrace the journey - you won't loose, you will gain more than you ever expected.

So here's some quick reminders:

  • Be aware of those pesky subconscious stories  - are they REALLY true or is a convenient excuse?  Be really really honest.
  • Replace the dread of 'development' with awe - why resent something that brings you your ultimate flow? If you haven't stuck with it long enough then you won't know.
  • Invest in your best asset ever - YOU
  • Find a coach or mentor who is in the trenches with you and who doesn’t just let things slip by. I can tell you I am tough - but extremely kind and compassionate as I know exactly what it feels like. I like to refer to it as marine-corp meets buddha.

Above all else today - I encourage you to do the work. For yourself. 

I have made some pretty tough calls in the last week - but they were so necessary. I was trying to fit myself into creating something for others that was really not in flow for me. To move out of that, and not feel like I was letting people down - I had to realise I was letting myself down. Like having your wings clipped.   So I needed to press pause and reengineer by getting back to the absolute basics of my super powers and providing radical value. Everyone wins.


Remember if we are ALWAYS in our truth - then it is the highest good for everyone. It is ownership of self. Not projection of others.


It takes courage to ensure you are telling the truth to yourself. You know when you are out of alignment. DO NOT ignore that.  You don’t owe anyone an apology, an excuse or an explanation - you just need to be 100% honest with yourself and the rest will flow. This is true liberation. 



Below I have put 3 core episodes you may like to listen to if you resonated with this weeks mojo:

Your Ego is Not Your Amigo

- The Truth Series, how to communicate with clarity and calm

How to overcome self doubt

Want to join the live masterclass tomorrow? CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP SO YOU CAN TUNE IN - OR EMAIL US  IF YOU DON'T HAVE FACEBOOK and we will share how else you can tune Monday Mojo© which you can sign up to on my home page for free! 

Have a radical week - don't take things personally. Everyone is doing their best in their own way.

Maybe bring the focus back to how you can do that for yourself.


How to Stop Overthinking and Start Taking Action Today

Jan 28, 2025