Why radical rituals and simple daily habits REALLY work

Oct 18, 2022

Why radical rituals and simple daily habits REALLY work

SET YOUR DAY UP FOR SUCCESS LIKE A PRO. Why Radical Habits really work and how to actually follow through on them. 



"Running out of time, don’t know where to start, struggling with motivation,  totally overwhelmed, lost faith in your own decisions and too many competing commitments"?

Sound familiar? 

Well you're not alone!   That's just some of the challenges you all are facing right now when I get emails or feedback on where you need help.

Thank you for reaching out and you're in the right place.  

Let me share - I KNOW how you feel. 

The fact is the older we get and the better we do, the more we have to manage.

The opportunity is to STOP forcing things the way you used to and seriously apply basic radical habits that will put you back in the driver's seat.

Even when 80% of your waking time may be about managing everything and everyone else around you. 

I want to cut to the chase this week:

I am determined to share the tips and tools I use, my clients use and have done for the last decade and MORE and I know they work..... - but you need to give it a good go and create some consistency...

Don't just start this - actually see it through. Use a reminder on your phone, post it notes on the mirror, a check list on your fridge - get accountable and I promise you, create a few radical rituals and you won't look back.

Why radical rituals and simple daily habits REALLY work


A) Watch the 2.11 second live video ...(that I recorded around 6am in the morning on my coffee run and "surf stare" - which is just me looking at the ocean with my coffee admiring nature...) ..See if you can spot Roxy dog in the video :). 

B) Video is above fyi. ⬇️ 

C) Info in that video? This: 

Get back to basics.

- No 'yeah buts', no 'when I just get this done', no - 'you don't understand'....

- ... I'm talking about really simple things here, it could even be the music you play on the way to work instead of trying to make phone calls....

If you have a team, a family, a business, a partner, a whole football club - whatever your roles and responsibilities in life you must KNOW YOURSELF first and ensure you are operating at your best before you can wade on in and be there for others.

The tiny things that help YOU feel a little more human and connected no matter what are what I am referring to.........I call these radical habits (or #radicalrituals..)

Radical habits work:

  1. They are effective
  2. They re-group
  3. They ensure you are present
  4. They fill your cup up 
  5. They show you are showing up for yourself
  6. They ensure you lead by example
  7. They keep you calm under pressure
  8. They are essential......

My non-negotiable #radicalrituals are things like:

  • A great coffee in the morning
  • Seeing nature - if I'm working in the city I get up and go for a walk and find a tree or a park - no joke
  • Light exercise when I am under pressure I keep a small routine in play - The Wake Up Workout© works! see Vitality the book for that and all my fitness secrets ..and here's a little article on how successful people do Monday's.
  • Connecting with people I care about
  • A pen and a notebook (I am old school)
  • Moments of downtime - away from noise, clutter and crowds
  • Pressing pause - allowing time to respond rather than react
  • My daily to do list - 'managing the Mojo'

In summary to quote from my post on this earlier on Instagram:

Radical habits create a truly radical life and they help you stop sabotaging yourself by making things to complicated: 
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So.... over to you: What are your vital little habits that you've stopped doing, that you know could really put a spring in your step and keep you grounded no matter what?

Remember - it's not what we know about goals and life - it's whether or know we apply the tools that get us the results we want. 

Break up with "I will when..... or  yeah but...."  comments... they are just excuses holding you back from enjoying your day.

Try some radical habits out for yourself - they work. 

I hope this bite size Mojo sets you up for success. #1 in a a new series of 7 Radical Reminders.

Let me know! 

Nikki  #yourcheerleader and provider of extra Mojo when you may have run out....

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