Lost Your Spark? Reignite Adventure While Growing Your Business

5 tips business owner ceo creativity ignite mojo noosa passion retreat vision Sep 23, 2024

Feel like you’ve lost your sense of fun?

That thrill and excitement you once had for life seems buried under the endless to-do lists, meetings, and the constant pressure of being the one in charge...

As a business owner, founder or CEO (or anyone trying to better their life), it’s easy to slip into survival mode—just ticking the boxes to keep the machine running. But here’s the truth:

You don’t have to choose between adventure and success. In fact, finding that balance between your Winning Week and moments of joy is the key to sustainable performance and energy.

To me this is essential and I will keep harping on about work/life blend until I see it be the norm.

No where have I ever seen a life rule book where it says - "you can't be successful unless you burn yourself out and get miserable trying to do well"... so on that note:

Here’s how you can reignite that passion without turning your world upside down.

1. Redefine Adventure on Your Terms

Adventure doesn’t have to be about big, dramatic changes. It can be - but don't wait for those bucket list moments.

  • Start by reframing what it means for you. It could be as simple as blocking off an afternoon for a paddle board session, exploring a new trail, walking around a new city, or even diving into a new book that challenges your thinking.

These micro-adventures break up the monotony and remind you that life is about more than work. It’s about designing a week that’s packed with both productivity and personal wins—your Winning Week© in full swing.

  • Tip: block out 45 minutes to do one thing that is not considered a CHORE, but is considered creative, active, fun, visionary, different, curious, intriguing or provide a healthy dose of happiness.

Did you know walking in fresh air, through nature gives your body a sense of adventure and improves oxygen levels and serotonin.

2. Commit to Healthy Boundaries

The Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) is powerful when you consciously choose to opt out of distractions and commitments that don’t serve you.

Over-committing is a fast track to burnout. Protect your time for what really matters by setting clear boundaries with clients, staff, friends, family and even yourself. That margin of space is where creativity, excitement, and true fulfilment come to life.

Remember, to win your week, it isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing what matters most.

3. Inject Fun into the Everyday

Your workspace is where you spend a lot of your life—why not make it enjoyable? Shake things up.

Whether it’s bringing in a coffee cart for team Fridays, changing your office layout for a fresh perspective, or even taking your team on a surprise outing, creating moments of fun at work boosts morale, creativity, and engagement.

Fun doesn’t have to wait for the weekends or holidays—it can be embedded into your daily grind. Cliche I know. But, are you doing something about it? Consistently.

People believe patterns not promises - I wrote about this in the chapter on accountability in the book Radical Self Belief. Our subconscious is the same. Don't 'promise' yourself - or others, something you have no intention of doing or making consistent.

Small regular habits and actions make the real change. I like to call these "Micro Moments".

4. Prioritise Energy-Boosting Habits

To win your week, look for moments to emphasise the importance of doing what energises you, not just what’s on the to-do list.

Identify the things that light you up and make them non-negotiable in your schedule. Whether it’s a 6am surf session, a 10-minute meditation, or catching up with a mentor, spending one to one time with your children or partner, or just 45 minutes alone :)

These energy-boosters should be just as prioritised as meetings and KPIs.

Energy Boosting Habits: They keep you operating at peak performance without the grind wearing you down.

One example: 5am wake up and I run or walk down to the waterfront with my rescue dog Max, grab a coffee, watch the sunrise and walk or run back.

It's my own time. I don't invite anyone else, sounds harsh I know. However, this is the moment in the day I have before I'm in demand and need to be there for others. It's sacred.


(My week in the rearview...we had a bit of wet weather, but it doesn't stop my routine...)

5. Reconnect with Your Why

Remember when you first started this journey?

The excitement, the purpose that drove you to build a business that not only succeeded but also made an impact.

Over time, the day-to-day can dilute that sense of purpose. Take time to reflect on your why.

Revisit your core mission and the bigger picture that fuels your drive.

When you stay connected to your purpose, your passion reignites, and everything falls into place. This is a core part of designing your Winning Week©—not just ticking boxes but making progress towards your ultimate goal.

One of the main reasons I run annual retreats is to provide leaders the time and space to remember what this is all for! Plus sometimes once you get to a certain level you may need to review your goals, vision and vitality.

Make time for yourself to assess what matters most, to get your energy and conviction back (even if it means taking a few days out) is service to yourself.

Companies (and families) don't go well without a confident captain of the ship. Make sure you put your oxygen mask on first and recharge your vision so you are best placed to lead others.

6. Celebrate the Small Wins, Not Just the Big Milestones

It’s easy to get lost in the long-term goals, constantly chasing the next big milestone. But the secret to maintaining momentum is celebrating the small wins along the way.

One of the quotes in my Niktionary - "Marshmallows not Maseratis".

Whilst it is important to aim for the great big things (whatever that may be for you), it's the incremental rewards along the way that make happiness a consistent factor.

Closing a deal, finishing a tough workout, or hitting your targets for the week—these are all victories worth acknowledging. In the Winning Week© philosophy, it’s these small celebrations that build resilience, keep motivation high, and make the journey just as rewarding as the destination.

The Adventure Is in the Journey

Running a business, building your career or being at the helm of an organisation doesn't have to mean losing your sense of adventure.

In fact, bringing fun, spontaneity, and purpose back into your routine is essential to building a business that thrives and a life that energises you.

It’s about finding a blend, not burning out; creating space for joy and adventure within the framework of a Winning Week©.

I love my job - it's my world - but my world also works within my work. I actively design the basic elements each week that I know will get me in a place of feeling grounded and fulfilled. Yes some weeks are easier than others to do that. However there is always a way:

A 10 min stretch, a cool restaurant, a quick catch up with a friend if I'm traveling for work, even just closing the laptop and watching a great documentary or movie on the plane. Look ahead in your week and where can you make time for micro adventures.

So ask yourself: When was the last time you truly enjoyed the journey? If it’s been too long, now’s the time to shift gears.

Inject fun, reignite your purpose, and watch how it transforms not just your business, but your entire outlook.

Remember there is no rule book that says "success = burn out". That's just a pressure that was all made up and assumed. Be greater than that story. Break the habits and create new ones.

Here’s to making this week a winning one—full of adventure, energy, and purpose.

If this resonates, leave a comment and let me know how you're bringing a sense of adventure back into your work-life blend. And if you’re ready to design your own Winning Week with purpose, energy, and balance, reach out—I’d love to help you bring it all together. Click here for the free worksheet!


PPS: If you really need a chiropractic shift = then grab one of the limited places available for my energiser sister to the Boardroom Retreat©. The adventure version The Boat Boardroom©. November 22-24. Noosa Heads. We've injected some extra special moments into this retreat to play in nature and stay in Noosa while you create your 2025 game plan.

Stay, plan and create in the heart of Noosa - then head out with our friends from Seafox Boats and SCF Australia for some sunrise and sunset sessions learning about sustainability, how the ocean is the best elixir and enjoy a totally exclusive hand crafted experience with our team to really get your mojo back.

I am really proud of our specially designed leadership retreats - award winning and based in our own back yard of stunning Noosa since 2009, there couldn't be an easier way to take the micro break away you deserve, recharge your batteries, reignite your vision and create the best playbook for a winning 2025.

Head to www.nikkifogdenmoore.com/theboardroomretreat for the final couple of days of the early bird deal. Or email [email protected] to request a call back.

Book by 30 September and enter the draw to bring a guest—your business partner, partner, or someone who really needs this—completely free! Their stay will be on us.

Lost Your Spark? Reignite Adventure While Growing Your Business

Sep 23, 2024